Aczedol CBD Acne Cream


Cibdol’s new Aczedol salve utilises the nurturing power of CBD to combat the symptoms of acne. Aczedol is a class I medical device salve, specially designed to alleviate the itch and burning sensation associated with acne vulgaris. Featuring the power of liposomes, which allow CBD’s restorative and antibacterial functions to penetrate deep into the skin, where it is needed most.

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New Aczedol cream by Cibdol combines the antibacterial potential of CBD with other herbal ingredients to cleanse skin affected by the acne. Acne Vulgaris is found in both adolescents and adults in the form of blemishes, such as pimples, nodes and cysts. Aczedol nurtures sensitive skin affected by acne, without the presence of harsh chemicals and unnatural additives.

Acne Vulgaris is well-studied and has a number of alleged triggers, including hormonal imbalances. Acne results from overactive sebaceous glands that cause bacterial infections to occur in the skin. This leads to inflamed, painful physical manifestations on the face and body. The psychological symptoms of acne can be just as harmful, making it difficult for some individuals to build self-esteem or pursue a professional career.

Cibdol’s Aczedol water-based cream provides care for pimples using anti-inflammatory ingredients such as CBD, Ursolic Acid and more. Cibdol’s special liposomal formula strives for maximum penetration of ingredients into the skin, delivering CBD deep into the pores for optimal cleansing potential.

Aczedol is a salve for those looking to cleanse acne-affected skin and combat its symptoms including pain, inflammation and redness. Apply Aczedol between 2-3 times every day to the entire acne-affected area. When using this product, avoid making contact with the eyes and freshly injured and exposed skin.


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